Saturday, January 9, 2010

sorry for so many blogs in such a short period of time.

So many highs and lows today. It could have been a great day, but it wasn't because of the lows.
But that being said, I just got a decent amount of dialog scripted for my play. I mean, its pretty crappy but it's the roughest of the rough drafts so that's a start. Yay progress.

I'm going to ignore the bad and the shitty and focus on what was good about today. Using my gift certificate to get some awesome stuff at shatzi. I love that store. I got a great green pea coat for spring, an awesome biker jacket that looks great and not poser-ish Yay, a cute hat, and we won't talk about the gloves. And I saw Hair and it was fun, Hair always makes me happy. Yay letting the sunshine in. Oh and had dinner with pesnki and her coworkers that was fun, love spending time with friends and meeting new people. and yay i got stuff done on the play. Happy vibes, come on, you're there, I know it.

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