Sunday, December 20, 2009

i need...

to start writing a play. I'm taking playwriting next semester and I need to get started now, I don't want to come into that class empty handed and with nothing.

So why am I drawing this blank? For someone who considers "passion" to be one of her greatest attributes and someone who constantly feels compelled to write, and unstoppable urge... why can I think of nothing? Themes and Concepts are sort of floating around the air, brushing me by and waiting to be grabbed, but characters and plot lines are just galaxies away from me.

What do I care about? What do I want to write about? No... what do I need to write about? That's it, that's when you know. A friend, a musician, singer/songwriter, asked recently for suggestions for his next song. I gave him a few ideas but then said, "But at the end of the day, with songwriting like any other writing others can only inspire you because passion is the only thing that will help you write or it will just sound random and contrived. I'm sure you've had this feeling before... when there is something you NEED to write about, you will know."

So I hold myself to that too... I guess I just hope I find something that I NEED to write about soon. I hope I find inspiration soon.

That being said I have a few ideas, I just don't know where I'm going with them: Obsession, that's a big one. I really want to write about obsession. Compassion, Independence, Connection. Yes, Connection. Connection, the hurt of disconnection, potentially leading to obsession or perhaps independence

My "creative non-fiction" professor this semester told us that the one thing that will make our pieces better is research. I need to research, learn more, discover.

It's gonna be a long road, but I'm willing to take the hike and hopefully build some stronger muscles along the way, after tackling the harder uphill climbs.

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