Monday, April 27, 2009


holy bejesus. 
I'm like shaking.
I didn't sleep.
at all. 

I'm listening to "I'm Yours" it makes me happy and I never get sick of it. Also it some of the lines pertain SO much to my life right now... In a yearning way though. Like what he saying is articulating exactly what I want, or what I want to say. 

Okay so... 

Today 2:30pm
finish taking mag final (basically i wrote a freaking novel answering the questions bc i wanted to go in depth about everything i knew to overcome what I didn't know and also I just have a LOT to say, but my teacher is being amazing and letting me finish at 2:30pm!!)

Fact Checking - Tomorrow 5:00pm
Need to:
Highlight all the facts
Check them
E-mail article back to editors
(mi madre said she'd help me with that, which is super nice.) 

Monologue - Tomorrow 6:30pm
Need to:
Memorize monologue
Make it "me" or whatever the hell I'm supposed to with it.

Math Test - Tuesday 9:30am
Need to:
Go over notes
Go over review problems

Feature Article on Two Ton Weight - Tuesday 11:00am
Need to:
Go through notes and get important stuff
Write it
Possibly get more quotes
Edit it 

Creative Writing - Tuesday 3:30pm
Read stories
Do Critiques
Print them
* Write an entire short story (crap)
* Print out all the critiques from this semester 
* Do the critique that you forgot to do and put it on black board AND print
* Print out Novel Outline
* Edit Stories
* Print stories

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