woke up, met up with amanda who had an interview at bloomingdales. then we went and ate at cpk. Apparently they spinach artichoke dip is now vegetarian, which is good to know, though it wasn't as good as I had remembered it to be. Oh well. And so many calories. Blah. They also list the calories on the menu. that's not fun either, but i guess in the end a good thing, right? I wanted a salad but I couldn't eat one because of my stupid wisdom teeth so i opted for soup instead.
So then we went downtown to the Forever 21 in Union Square because Amanda wanted to go there. Let me tell you something about myself, I hate forever 21. No, hate is a strong word, I just can NEVER find something that I like there. Sure there are few gems but there is so much crap you have to go through to find it that its never worth it. This makes me sound snobby, I'm not. I love cheap stuff, trust me! It's just something about forever 21 that always stresses me out and I don't know what it is. Pretty trivial though, like obviously there are worse things. And it was good to be able to see Amanda. I hope she gets the bloomingdales internship it sounds like it would be an awesome experience. I also ran into ava at union square which was pretty random but she was on the way to PT.
So then i wandered around the holiday shops for a bit which was cute, it was cold though so i didn't really linger around much. I decided to walk to St. Marks I bought a new nose ring but its a little bit bigger than the other one so I'm not sure if i like it yet. I'm just glad it fits I wanted to change it because the other one was too skinny. Okay, Amelia, no one cares. Then I walked around a bit, I went to the De La Vega store. Oh, sorry, museum lol. It was interesting, De La Vega was pretty talkative this time especially compared to last time when he was smoking, what i believe was a joint, and showed me how much I owed on a calculator without saying a word. That place was so interesting, but its weird because some of the stuff is on sale and some is for show and it is hard to tell. I bought a few greeting cards, a couple gifts and what not, and told him how I remember his drawings all over the side walks when i was so little. He asked me where i went to school, figured i was in college by now, nice trip down memory lane i suppose. Curious guy. Very New York.
Then i went home, napped for a bit and went down to times square and met my dad at some deli. I wasn't really feeling great because of all the meds I'm taking for my wisdom teeth. So I had a cup of hot chocolate, which was nice. Then we went to see Speed the Plow, which was really really good! Piven's understudy was great and Raúl Esparza was amazing... but I'm pretty sure that just goes without saying. serious espargazm. I just wish he could have sang in the show. Elisabeth was great too. The play was pretty short but I suppose that's better than being too long. I waited at stage door for Raúl for a long time but then gave up because he was taking too long. Saw Jake and Kaitlyn at heights stage door then went to a diner with jake bc i wanted to say hi to jennifer since i havent seen her in ages. I had mozzerella sticks and hot chocolate They were going to rocky horror, which i usualy love but i was feeling like such crap so i didn't join. Then I went home.
Saturday December 20th
Wasn't feeling well again this morning. I was woken up with pain at about 5 am so i took a pain killer, which was good at the time but then i felt sick in the morning. I met kate at the public library on 10th street and 6th avenue and we saw this mark twain impersonator. He was interesting, and definitely very amusing. Could have used more spirit gum on his chin though because it was kind of falling off. It was interesting but I kind of zoned out from the meds for a little. It was a nice zoning out though. He carried on for a bit too long but did say some funny things. Curious guy. Then we walked in the cold to the life cafe, which is on 10th and B. It was kind of dark... mood lighting? haha anyway they have great fries there. And vanilla hot chocolate. I've kind of taken to hot chocolate since I'm avoiding coffee because I don't think my body can handle any more drugs. (that makes me sound like a drug addict, I'm not, I promise, its just 2 antibiotics and painkillers is quite enough, and that already is taking a told on my overall wellbeing) So the hot chocolate was good. Until this week I hadn't had hot chocolate in ages. I must say it is quite delectable. Then I took the train to long island and saw my campers and it was lovely besides me like passing out while we were playing rock band. woops. One of my campers took a picture of me and made it her phone background. thank you, becky. but it was a good time even though i felt like crap. I'm glad I went.
so yeah to sum up i've been busy busy busy and felt crappy crappy crappy
Nice blog :)
You write pretty well.. interesting
ha thanks its more my ramblings so its not meant to be particularly eloquent but im glad you liked it
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