"Today I invite you to give your time or attention to a person or a cause that would love to have you. (Grandma’s are a great start.)
Get clear or complete with someone today. Who or what have you been avoiding that has been costing you power? Call or visit with that person and let them know what’s on your mind simply as an act of love. See the real value in that person, even if that person’s only role has been to test your patience. Acknowledge that person for having done a great job. We are here NOW. Therefore, the past has been played out perfectly! It’s a win-win. So drop the grudge. Try on compassion, and feel that courage is a triumph of the soul!
Another way to not be so stingy is to practice kindness to everyone today. Every check out clerk, restaurant staff, janitor, tollbooth attendant, teacher and police officer you pass. Give them your most sincere hello. You are alive today and so are they. Everyone deserves acknowledgement since this day is all there is."
And also, this video... I need to learn Spanish, coño!