Sunday, February 8, 2009

time and place

So I was talking to a friend las night, sort of depressed (beverage consumption being a factor), about the fact that I have never been in a serious relationship. To which he replied, "babe, you're looking in all the wrong places."
me: i don't know if I'm really looking though
him: trust me you are
me: well, where am I supposed to look
him: maybe you're not supposed to be looking right now.

So then I thought, maybe I've just always been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now this idea may make me feel better about myself, but then again it's a pretty depressing notion. Always being in the wrong place at the wrong time means multitudes of missed opportunities. Have I wasted away valuable time that I could have been in the right place? But how would I have known. And also how can I stop looking if I didn't realize I was looking the first place?

Or maybe I have been in the wrong place at the wrong time (or the right place at the wrong time, or the wrong place at the right time) in this situation, but maybe I was supposed to be there. Maybe I have not found the one (or the 2, or the 3, I'm not sure I really believe in the whole soulmate thing) but maybe in those places I was filling some other void in my life. Maybe if I was somewhere else I could have started a relationship but in the place I was in I met an amazing friend or I made a good decision that impacted the rest of my life (butterfly affect, anyone?) All I know is that I am tired of waiting, I am tired of trying, it's just not easy to move past that.

video of the day:

these bitchin ladies will tell you whats up, caren lyn manuel and karmine alers ftw.

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