Friday, February 27, 2009


I hate fake people.
I HATE fake people.
Like, I really fucking hate fake people.
Just say. it. to. my. face. bitch.
Really though, it's bitchier to be nice to someone's face and then nasty behind that person's back. For anyone who is reading this. I like honesty. I can handle the fucking truth and I can take a hint. So do yourself and me a favor and don't be a fucking asshole. Entiendas?

Also, is it better to discover something or to live in ignorance, which, after all, is bliss? I think that sometimes we think we want to know something, and we think that is what would be good for ourselves but in actuality, we would be better off not knowing, but it's nearly impossible to convince oneself of that. It is for this reason, I believe. Ignorance is bliss if it is truly ignorance. If there is even a tiny hint of suspicious, then it is just not knowing, which is worse, it is always worse. At least in my case, where it leads, often to paranoia. 

Whatever, fuck them fake bitches, I'm better than that. 

Nothing to make a girl feel better than some Darcy and Seth and some JamesHeatherJames love. ooooh the Bowery Ball Room

1 comment:

Stef said...

Oh hai friend. I no longer need to ever write a blog about this because you have written one that expresses my exact feelings about a certain situation.
Let's ignore the world and move to a hippie commune.