Thursday, December 11, 2008

so many little things...

I'm going to try to keep adding to a list of little things that i think of in the week that have made me happy.
Not a lot has right now since I've been so stressed out, but we're trying to be positive here. So here are five things I can come with at the moment.

1. The smell of fruity shampoo.
2. Being called babe (not trying to stomp on your ground stef, it would be a lot cooler to be called "babe" by an incredible broadway dancer)
3. acoustic guitar
4. finally submitting a project that you've worked incredibly hard on.
5. coming up with REALLY good "that's what she said"s

comment and add your own!


Stef said...

Oh hey, did I tell you about that time [name goes here] called me babe?

Amelia said...

oh hey, i believe you did :-)