Saturday, December 27, 2008

and even further ramblings

I have been having a LOT of issues sleeping, like I haven't been able to fall asleep before 5am for the past 4 days or so. It sucks majorly. But alas

December 24th
Despite not sleeping much, I woke up early enough to make heights lotto. It was pouring rain but I got CC107, which is DEAD CENTER and I was so happy since I haven't won lotto, well ever actually, but I haven't sat lotto since the show was in previews!

I had some time to kill before the show so I hung out in patzeria. That pizza is Amaaaazing and they have good coffee too. So I was happy. Then like 16 cops came in and ordered pizza then they left. Then we started talking about heights and they couldn't believe I had seen it 5 times (later I counted it was 6 actually or 7 if you count off broadway)

The show. It was so so soo incredible to be back there again. It just made me really happy, I just felt myself constantly smiling. I missed that show! I was crying sooo hard too during parts. Afterwords, at stage door, luis came up to me and goes "wow you were really into the show towards the end" creepy that he was watching me? Kidding. ah more later.

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