Woke up a bit later than i should have and was running a bit behind for my wisdom tooth checkup thingy. Well eventually we got there, everything was dandy, and left to go to the hair salon. I got a few more layers and then grabbed a bite with my mom and we headed to Bryant Park to check out the holiday shops. When we got there I honestly couldn't stop smiling. I'm am about to write a very cliché, over used sentence but it is still true. New York City is absolutely MAGICAL during Christmas time. Well, I mean besides the tourists that is. But Bryant park, it just makes me so happy and spirited.

I thnk that Bryant park is the coolest place ever because its this tiny blissful little place that is in the heart of new york, surrounded by tall important buildings just chilling there. And I love it especially in winter time because first of all who doesn't love ice skating? but more importantly who doesn't love FREE ice skating? and also because of the shops. There are so many its hard to hit them all up in one visit. And the shops are filled with such unique little trinkets and creations. Everything from jewelry, to dishes, to hats and scarves, to homemade soap, to unrecognizable objects, and its just glorious what you can find there. We bought a few little things and then headed back home so I could get ready for Sasha, Matt, and Nick's housewarming party.

I thnk that Bryant park is the coolest place ever because its this tiny blissful little place that is in the heart of new york, surrounded by tall important buildings just chilling there. And I love it especially in winter time because first of all who doesn't love ice skating? but more importantly who doesn't love FREE ice skating? and also because of the shops. There are so many its hard to hit them all up in one visit. And the shops are filled with such unique little trinkets and creations. Everything from jewelry, to dishes, to hats and scarves, to homemade soap, to unrecognizable objects, and its just glorious what you can find there. We bought a few little things and then headed back home so I could get ready for Sasha, Matt, and Nick's housewarming party.
The party was a lot of fun, it was so nice to see everyone and more importantly to all be there together, it really felt like old times back at the neder when everyone still, you know, talked to eachother. It was fun remiscing about so many almost forgotten people of the past. They're apartment was also really nice. We played psychiatrist for a while which was, for the most part, fun, it was kind of hard though because we didn't all know each other, but I always enjoy that game. It was just really good to see everyone so I was VERY happy that I went. Then I walked home, which was silly because it was like -525600º outside, but whatever, I enjoyed it.
Tuesday December 23rd
Did nothing all day but planned on seeing in the heights. Luckily Stef called me to tell me that lotto was an hour earlier on Tuesdays or I would have shown up at 6. Unfortunately though it was still too late and I was really pissed because a) i really really wanted to see the show (the time had come) and b) i was going to walk most of the way downtown but because i was running late i took a cab and it was really expensive but i STILL didnt make it so it was a complete waste. I got over it though and went to see if they still had rush at gypsy. They did, and I got a seat in the right box. The show was wonderful, as always. Ms. Patti Lupone was BORN to play Mamma Rose. I havent seen any other productions but I really can't imagine anyone being more perfect in the part. It's just overwhelming. I mean sitting in the box (which was great by the way) was nothing like the front row. When I saw Gypsy from the front row i was overwhelmed (in a GOOD way) I can honestly say it was the most emotional and awesome (in the original sense of the word) theatrical event I have ever experienced. And i have seen a lot of theatre in the past couple years. The whole cast was great, Boyd made me cry, i think, i dont remember but even if i didn't he mad me want to. I think he is truly a brilliant and natural actor. I saw him in Journey's End as well, when that was playing, and he was great in that too. During "Together wherever we go" one of the plates fell into the audience it was really funny... guess you had to be there lol.

Another cool thing about being in the box is you can people watch. I enjoyed watching other people's expressions as Patti and crew did their thing. I also spoted Hunter Bell, Jeff Bowen, and Susan Blackwell of [title of show] which was pretty cool since they're kind of my idols. I spoke to hunter after the show which was nice. I told him that I enjoyed the the [title of show] show "who shot mindy" Christmas Spectular show special show. He said he's glad that I'm glad that Mindy's okay ;-) He seemed genuinely happy that i went up to him and recognized him and all that jazz, which made me happy. The [tos] cast just seem like genuinely nice people and i love that. I was tempted to tell him that he was my favorite person on broadway after Patti and Raúl, but I, of course, refrained :-) Hunter is growing a beard which makes me lol. Loves it. After the show I stage doored, got stef her leigh ann larkin autograph and got a patti autograph of my own!!! That woman scares me to death and i LOVE It.
Alright its 4:15Am so I guess I'll catch up on the rest of the week at a later date. gnight yall.
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