Friday, November 14, 2008

was out i out of my head, was I out of my mind?

I have so much work to do and so little desire to do it. 
It is gorgeous outside right now, I took a walk before so that was nice. 
I don't get the weather here one day its snowing and the next you want to go to the beach.
I don't get it. 
I'm trying to convince my parents to let me go to Puerto Rico for a week during winter break. I would stay with a friend who lives there and that would be a lot of fun. Then again, I don' know when a good time would be since I have a lot going on in the city. Which is good. I love being able to spend time home. 
I'm also trying to figure out stuff about going abroad. I was originally set on going to London in the fall, but there are so many other options to consider. There's spring, fall, spring and fall, spring in one place, fall in another... it gets expensive though. Especially Europe. So I'm considering London, Florence, Madrid, and Santiago through SU abroad or Paris through world partners. I'm excited though. And nervous. I've never really been anywhere (besides Latin America and the Carribean, but never a place like Europe) 
I also have to pick course.
I also have to do work. I hate work. I have SO much catching up to do in Spanish, like... it's not even funny. 

Oh and graphics. So I woke up early, go to the computer lab by 8:00 AM worked NONSTOP until 9:30. Completely finished my Magazine Cover Spread, and it looked really really good. So I clicked save... you know the button that is supposed to save your work? And what does it do? DELETES EVERYTHING I'VE DONE. There was o way to revie it. I was so mad. Like that just sucks. It's also time I could have spent catching up on spanish, or doing my com107 project, or you know, sleeping. But no. And now I have to do i all again. LSIFLSFJLSFKLFSOOIHSFHIOFS!!!

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