That place is New York City.
When I am at school, in the ever-so-uneventful city of Syracuse, I miss New York more than anything.
It is more than just my home. It is my friend, my comfort zone, my sanctuary.
There is something about the busy streets, the chaos, the calamity, the never ending flow that just makes me feel so at peace with myself. Sounds crazy, I know. Most people find it hectic and unbearable, but to me there is a calm within the storm.
A couple years ago, I went to visit my Aunt and Uncle northern Westchester. There were countless white houses all looking the same as the next surrounded by a plethora of woods and acres of unused land. Everything was still. My mother commented, "It's as if time is standing still." Which is precisely my issue with it. Time does not stand still. Time is rapidly moving. Time is a precious thing. And to me I can not afford to waste a second. I need to constantly be moving, constantly be doing something. I don't hate anything more than wasting time. [DISCLAIMER] of course, it must be said, that one needs to rest. One needs to stop, mediate, relax, spend time alone, breathe. I am definitely an appreciator of nature and cherish my time away from urban culture. However, when I am home, that is when I live. Perhaps I feel this way because it is how I grew up. but I have come to not only love it, but need it as well.
So as you can see, I don't just miss the place where I grew up, but I miss being surrounded by fast-paced movement. I miss the endless pulse that you just can't get anywhere else. (Well, perhaps in cities abroad that I have yet to visit, but as of now, it's the greatest place I know.)
One thing that I miss the most is taking long walks around the village. There are so many remarkable sites that can be found there. I love to just dilly dally around aimlessly with a camera and capture anything that catches my eye, and a notebook to jot down places I'd like to remember. I love to make new discoveries too. Some of the best coffee shops and pizza places are little holes in the wall that most people simply walk past.
Here are a few of my favorite village excursion photographs:

Of course there is more to the city than the village... times square would be an entirely new entry, and perhaps will be. But that's just the thing. There is everything in the city, and at your finger tips too. A 5 minute subway ride can take you to an entirely different world. Places are always open late at night and there is always a place to go or something to see.
One thing that being away at school has taught me is to really appreciate the city. As much as I miss it, every time that I am home I can truly take advantage of what it has to offer.
1 comment:
i found your blog through stef's. it's beautiful. youre beautiful! i hope you dont mind i took a peek into your life! xo.
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