Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today I wanted nothing more than to just go to my [imaginary] little apartment in new york city, with the snow dancing outside the window, and just watch a couple hours of tv, do some writing, a bit of reading, then go to sleep at a decent hour. 

But instead I had to go back to my dorm, catch up on fifteen spanish homework sheets, study for my spanish test tomorrow, work on my logo project for graphics, study for my current events quiz tomorrow, a test on the fourth that i didn't even know about, 6 chapters to catch up on in my incredibly dense theory of religion, culture, and theology course, a paper on that course, a big project for communications coming up,  "eighty lines of virgil, sixteen equations"... you get the idea.

Sometimes I wonder if I am losing sight up what is really important. All these projects and tests and papers, they mean everything for my grade, my gpa, my degree, but then what? But is it worth it? I am so overwhelmed. And what do I do about it? I procrastinate and instead of doing it, rant about it in a blog. I hardly sleep anymore. I'm definitely getting sick. 

In times like this, I really just want to go home. 

1 comment:

melissa said...

something i learned during my undergrad: don't let it get to you. in the end, no matter what, you're walking away with a tiny piece of paper saying youre smart enough to graduate college. no job or potential career is going to look at your GPA and decline you rights to work. trust me. ive had a few journalism jobs with ny newspapers, and they do not care about your grades or that lame spanish project or your chem lab. they look at YOU. as a person. and of course, experience.

graduate school thought, whole new ballgame. we'll discuss that later. :)

drink your tea, do your reading, have 'melia-time and dream of that nyc apartment! you deserve it. don't get so caught up in something that causes stress on your mind and body. spend time on you, and what makes you happy. that is what others see (even employers) and that is what truly matters.